The next step forward was changing to one strand of the variegated thread and one strand of solid gray, zigging and zagging irregularly for a more nuanced effect, much like the limestone walls themselves:
Adding the lettering was another do/undo/redo process. Fortunately, I revised the plan from an earlier post (much as I repeatedly revise recipes), choosing to stamp the lettering using a V-Clear water-erasable pen instead of the "permanent" ink markers. If a letter was misplaced, it was easily removed with a bit of damp toweling, then re-inked. I didn't go for perfect placement, however. I was especially pleased that the Stepping Stones variegated floss by Crescent Colours (one of three brands I purchased in Williamsburg) was far more subtle than the thread in the rock walls since the lettering could only be done with a single strand.
Here's the top half so far ...
and the bottom half ...

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