Monday, June 4, 2018

Page 1 is done

I could hardly wait to finish stitching ...

so I could add text, this time printed out and laid onto the cloth before scanning (and still subject to editing of course) ...

And then it hit me that I really should create text boxes for each page before stitching ...

the better to plan ahead.

And I would be remiss if I didn't include the sun as seen from the back ...

But best of all, this beaming boy ...

Jackson on his first day of (summer) Kindergarten. Because his school district actually offers one month of summer school free to any child for any reason. A wonderful way to get ready for the real thing in August!


I've added a link to FOLLOW THE PROGRESS OF MOON MYTH at the top of the right sidebar which will document the pages of Moon Myth in sequential order as they are created. Since I'm at the earliest stages, the images are really rough drafts which will be updated as they are edited. 


  1. I love this idea, story and stitching! Will enjoy seeing it progress. Thanks Liz.

  2. (((Mo)))

    Louise - likewise thanks for the encouragement ... I find thinking out loud on the blog helps me work through the process

  3. Learning, learning, always learning! I love how one thing leads to the next thought and now you've got a process. What a beautiful beautiful boy. Looking forward to all of these page wonders making their appearance as the sun shines on you all.

  4. Fiona - and yet more learning ... I just looked at Barry's pictures on Rustnstuff which show that the waning moon in Australia is a flipped version of the waning moon in the Northern Hemisphere. And thank you for your kind words about our beautiful beautiful boy (which has John Lennon playing in my head ... a nice way to start the day)

  5. Whether one is coming or going aka the front and back of cloth, provides an equal measure of appreciation. The text is awesome.

  6. a whole new level of storytelling!

  7. Sue and Dee - thanks ... but as with any effort worth making, this one has a significant editorial change in the offing


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