Peace pins are always on my to do list, but when we're visiting G it's hard to find the time to do focused work. So I gathered up more shirt plackets to work on a cloth I started earlier this year ...
I figured it would be the perfect project for G's "rest" time, when he usually falls asleep watching me stitch ...
except I didn't anticipate this complication ...
Oh well.
In addition to weeding and rock hauling, I took some time for a couple of picture walks.
These nerve rays are a favorite, with their boxy, 4-sided buds ...
that open into a spectacular composite flower ...
I still don't know the name for this tiny white wildflower, but it's everywhere right now ...
as is the antelope horn milkweed ...
this one sprawled out in a heart shape, just waiting for the Monarchs to come ...
Our floodplain has been scoured down to the bedrock in places ...
but when flooding water encounters an obstacle like this poverty weed ...
seeds drop out of suspension and establish new bluebonnet beds ...
Now we mimic nature and create our own water brakes (breaks?) to preserve trails ...
and keep the driveway from washing out ...
which in turn creates safe haven for grasses like this little blue stem ...
And if the water is rough on the floodplain, the lace cactus just hang tough ...
I do love cactus blooms, like this horse crippler ...
which are gone in a day ...
Likewise the prairie nymphs ...
Fortunately, the dewberry flowers leave good things in their wake ...
This one's almost ready ...
My fingers fairly itched to pick it!
And here's what's coming next: Mexican hats, aka thimble flowers ...
Aptly named, wouldn't you say?