Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Maybe, maybe not

I've continued to make wonky log cabin squares out of P's outgrown baby clothes ...

And at first I was psyched that there were so many examples of wonky log cabin quilts, examples of which I collected from Pinterest ...

Except, then I realized it was sort of unoriginal. So I started playing around with two squares ...

turning an idea over in my mind: wondering if the wonky log cabins could become wonky herringbones instead ...

And the answer was, hmmm, well maybe ...

moving piece by piece ...

like giant cloth tangram shapes ...

Of course, those of you who are more experienced are most likely shaking your heads over all those seams and bias ends hanging over the edges. So yeah, after one abortive attempt at finishing, I'm still working on a solution ...

But for now, those log cabin squares are starting to look better and better.

12 thoughts on “Maybe, maybe not

  1. Thanks much … and those sidebars are still up and running at the old blog site. I visit there daily to see which Kindred Spirits have written new posts.


love the new look here! and as a wp user, commenting will be easier than before.

I love the relationship of the black design feature of the rug to your wonky squares. I don’t need to tell you how I feel about ‘perfect’!


  1. Thanks Dee … your blog inspired me to make the move and your support for doing so has been much appreciated.

    And yeah, my rug is my “design wall” … it’s a soumak we bought back in Virginia and I love its less-than-perfect design elements. Likewise, after years of chasing perfection in stitch, I’ve come to the conclusion that perfection is definitely over-rated. The corollary to that being: wonky is wonderful.

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