Thursday, March 2, 2017

Peaceful easy feeling

My peace pin giveaway began the process of regaining some balance in my life and I'm looking forward to starting on making each pin.  [Note: for those who have not yet done so, please send a mailing address to]

Anyway, I say "looking forward" because right now we're in the middle of a visit to ...

where we are immersing ourselves in simple joys, such as ...

a (cow)boy and his dog ...

and a Seussian wannabe (complete with "wig" on the far right side of the photo) ...

We also made a great stop on the way here... the Fred Jones Jr. Art Museum on the campus of Oklahoma University in Norman

In addition to a substantial display of historic Native American art, I was impressed by this contemporary piece by Olinka Hrdy ...

so much so that I couldn't resist getting the exhibit catalog ...

We also spent a good deal of time looking at the Abbreviated Portraits of Poteet Victory ...

And contemporary Wyandot potter Jamie Zane Smith's work inspired us to look up his website ...

where we learned he is represented in a gallery that will enable us to see more of his work when we head home via Tulsa. 

Too soon.