Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Necessity is the mother of mending

My jeans, the ones I wear when working the land, were torn ...

The result of moving the rusted bedsprings gifted by neighbors Connie and Karl Akers ...

Fortunately, it was only the jeans that tore. In the future, I think I'll leave it to Don to move rusty bits around as he does a much better job of it ...

Nonetheless, I do like having a good excuse to mend ...

And now that my itchy stitching fingers have been soothed, I'm off to do some (more) weeding!

11 thoughts on “Necessity is the mother of mending

What a beautiful mend that is – so gorgeous! And yes the rusty garden is fabulous – all growing away merrily…


  1. Fiona – I was replying to Mo as your comment pinged in … the ether is buzzing between spring and fall, here and there. Hope your toe is recovering from your gardening misadventure.


  1. I wondered if anyone would pick up on my stitching in memory of what could have been a most unfortunate accident. Our grandson (age 6) said, “next time you should get someone to help you.” To true.

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