Moon Myth (updated 11/28/2018)


  1. love how your story explains the moon's timing with such delight!

  2. Thanks Mo ... it’s gone through a lot of revisions to get this far!

  3. Liz, Liz, Liz...I love it! The story and stitch together, make for a tale to read again and again. I love how it is a story, complete in its own right...but it can be a springboard to more, deeper conversations too. It is like a STEM fairy tale!! xo

  4. REALLY wonderful! I can't wait to get a copy for my grandchildren, I can tell this will be a family favorite!! Thank you so very much for sharing this preview!!

  5. Nancy - Thank you again for your valuable insights. And yes, you're right ... this was intended all along to be a way for our grandkids to make sense of moon phases in hopes of being a springboard to a more scientific understanding of that phenomenon in the future.

    Sarah - Thank you and welcome ... have we crossed paths before?

  6. it's Amazing, Liz....just WONDER FULL...Stitch and Story so
    perfectly woven...just so great

  7. It is beautiful & a great story. I have always LOVED the moon & you’ve told the story so well. I hope you decide to sell copies as well as giving them to your grands. I I’ll purchase one.

  8. Oh, Liz! There is too much to say....I'm sending an email...

  9. Connie, Dee and Velma - I just now found your comments ... humble and very belated thanks

    And Hazel, thank you for your email, which brought me back to this page, from which I have been too long gone. Time to get back to work!


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