Monday, December 10, 2018

Still pinching myself

We were supposed to go to the opening on Friday night ...

but since the forecast called for 5" of rain we chickened out. So Don and I went today instead ...  

And while you can't necessarily tell from my expression (I'm not fond of having my picture taken) ...

I was really happy to be there, to witness my first-ever piece accepted into an art exhibit ...

The exhibit label text was spare, but there were more details in the artist statements and bios ...

And just in case it doesn't zoom in sufficiently, I wanted to be sure this got seen ...

I'll post more later ...

hopefully with links to some of the artists. It really was quite a wonderful show, with over 80 works created by artists across Texas plus another dozen or so from out of state.

I was honored to be counted among them.


  1. Well now this is mighty fine Liz. (When we lived in Texas, we used to hear the word "mighty" spoken a lot...) Congratulations and may this be the first of many more exhibitions featuring your wonderful fiber art. This piece is big like Texas; it tells an important story of your land and best of all, you used the gifts of the land to create your work of art and that in itself, is a very meaningful story.

  2. loved going back in time by clicking on your Land of Flood and Drought 2015 tag and seeing it hanging with you in the exhibition, congratulations!

  3. Fabulous news Liz - congratulations and woo hoo you! Happy Dance over here!!

  4. Been following your work on your blog for a little while now--what a tremendous accomplishment! Congratulations!

  5. Marti - thank you ... it is for sure a first and hopefully not the last, but I don't know that I'll be making a habit of entering exhibitions. Just knowing I can is pretty cool though.

    Mo - I'm so glad you clicked back to see the cloth becoming ... it's one of my favorites.

    Fiona - I now have the faintest inkling of what you (and Mo and others) go through to be part of an exhibition. Doing an entire solo (or duo) exhibition is beyond my imagining.

    Michelle - thank you so much for commenting and welcome. I'd love to know if you have a blog so I can take a peek.

  6. Congratulations,Liz!!!❤️🎨❤️

  7. Oh wonderful for you. I am so so so happy! Did I say I was happy?! You deserve this recognition. Sending you a virtual hug until I can do it in person. Blessings dear one.

  8. Finestkind!! [M*A*S*H the book, not the TV show] I think that word fits you just right!

    Finding Jude Hill and following her, has led many of us down paths we didn't expect!

  9. Love very much this validation of your Vision and your work. Just great!!!

  10. Grace! It just hit me ... YOU were the one who put me on to the San Antonio show four years ago!! Look at this post:

    Then scroll down to the end of the comments!

    Thank you ... and Michelle ... and Deanna ...

  11. Suzanna ... thank you!

    Sue - blessings back ...

    Vicky - yes indeed ...and I never did read M.A.S.H. How did that happen?

  12. Liz~ Maybe it was your comment about how you looked in that 3rd photo...but first I noticed You! I saw you, thinking, "Ah, this is Liz"...which quickly led to, I'd love to hang out with her! When my eyes shifted to the cloth, it struck me how recognizable your work is and how this "Land..." cloth is such a beautiful companion to "Moon Myth" :)
    Congrats on having this opportunity to see yourself as others (us!) do! Your amazing work deserves all of this and more! xo

  13. Way to go Liz! I loved "Land of Flood and Drought" when you were working on it and it is so great to see it (and you!) again. I wish I could come to the show and see your work in person.

  14. Wow.Congratulations, Liz. Must have been a unique experience !

  15. Congratulations, Liz, really wonderful!!! So happy for you, and for your new audience who are able to view your work in real life!
    (ps. I have a very similar photo, for the same reasons)

  16. Nancy - what a wonderful comment ... thank you. I appreciate the reminder to see myself as others see me (because I am my own worst critic) ... and oh, to think that something I have done might be recognizable as mine ... that’s more than I ever dated hope for.

    Dana - thank you ... and more than once I have thought how amazing it would be to assemble the kindred spirits

    Annick - it’s like a dream

    Hazel - I did indeed think of you as Don said, “let me take your picture” ... knowing I really did want him to, but cringing nonetheless

  17. Congratulations! That thrill never gets old.

  18. What a lovely event, validation and honor. Congrats! So many of your pieces deserve a spot on that wall. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege watching you build a body of work.

  19. Deb - thanks, but does the nerve-wracking wait ever get better?

    Dee - "a body of work" ... thank you for that

  20. How exciting! Your first - and don’t let it be the last! Although I don’t know why I say that. I have very mixed feeling about the whole business of shows. But on the whole, I’d have to say it’s a good thing. And you are clearly doing beautiful things with textile and needle and thread. And soul. xo

  21. Morna - thank you ... I appreciate your kind words. And likewise your musings, as I must admit to my own mixed feelings. I don't sell my art, so there's no motive there. I have a wonderful circle of kindred spirits who "get" what I'm doing here. So ditto, no motive. I guess I just wanted to see if I could pass muster ... and now that I have, I'm not sure if and/or when I would ever feel the "need" again.

  22. Wow, very wonderful. And the work! It looks perfect and so do you xoxo

  23. OMG Liz, I just got chills reading about your piece in the big time show. I'm so thrilled for you. Congrats on this fabulous piece.

  24. Deb - I have no illusions when I see how much (quality and quantity) other artists produce, but this recognition did make my heart happy.


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