Friday, October 14, 2016

- Almost a week

Retrospective (11/7)

Patch #288 Hi bird

What didn't get written into the original post was our visit to the Austin Nature and Science Center with G. In addition to trails and hands on artifacts such as fossils, the center has a small menagerie of injured and imprinted animals that can't survive in the wild.

One in particular breaks my heart ... an imprinted roadrunner that spends her life spinning in circles, then stopping while her eyes jerk back and forth. After which she begins to spin again.

Except, G and I quietly crouched down and I coached him to softly whisper "Hi bird" over and over again. It worked. She stopped her endless spinning, turned her head to the side, and listened ...

The memory patch came about as I looked at a printed fabric and saw a stylized roadrunner, so I stitched it with images of Mesoamerican gods gliding behind my eyes.

Original Post

Yesterday was a productive day ...

with retrospective patches completed for October 2
featuring an overlay of Texas ...

on Europe ...

October 3
showing two rounds of pomegranate dyeing ...

using liquid concentrate ...

and aluminum acetate mordant purchased from Dharma Trading ...

October 4
featuring my first attempts at Inktense Shibori, the first of which reminded me of the queen butterflies in our garden ...

And October 6
featuring the second bit of Shibori, a tribute to Hazel's wonderfully wild hair ...

Today we're headed to Austin, where we plan to have some more fun with G while his mom and dad celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary (a little early).