Saturday, April 1, 2017

Forgiveness redux

This is how I began yesterday's post entitled Forgiveness:

Three more peace pins have fallen from my fingers, the a-sides all hand-dyed cochineal linen (which is not as pink as it looks here, but the color was saturated enough to give my camera fits) ...

with the b-sides also reflecting each person's named peaceful colors ...

Clockwise from the upper left, indigo blue and rose for Stephanie in California, any and all colors for Vicky in Washington, and wild rose colors for Suzanna in California.


There was more, but I did the blog-equivalent of hitting "Reply to all" instead of "Reply to sender" ... I inadvertently hit "Publish" instead of "Save to draft."

So it was that some of you saw the unedited, first draft version of what appears below (with a tip of the hat to Ann Lamott's classic Bird by bird, which introduced me to the notion of "sh---y first drafts"). I didn't realize my error until later in the day when comments started to arrive in my inbox. I quickly rectified my error by reverting the post to draft mode and sent explanatory emails to the commenters. Then looked at the stats and realized the post had been seen rather more widely than I might have hoped.

Ah well.

Here's the more circumspect version of my less-than-perfect first draft:

Back in my teaching days I attended an amazing training program called the Eastern Virginia Writing Project (one of 200-some sites in the federally-funded National Writing Project). The two month Summer Institute was designed to give us the tools to become better teachers of writing by taking us through the recursive writing process of plan, draft, revise, edit ... repeat as needed, then publish (cue irony here).

Anyway, one of many prompts was to write about forgiveness. I liked the resulting piece well enough to revisit it in one of my earliest blog posts entitled Food is Love ( 

Long story short, I re-revisited that piece yesterday. Without going into the details this time around, I will simply say: life is recursive and being a parent never ends, even when your kids are in their thirties. The corollary to that being: the need to seek forgiveness never ends either.

And who knows, perhaps yesterday's slip was more Freudian than not. Because it turns out my daughter was among those who read the inadvertent post. Now a parent herself, she brought a new perspective to my gaffe and sent me a text message that read, "Please don't feel guilty." To which I responded, "But I do guilt so well."

So I guess I've already been forgiven ... but I'm still bringing her some cookie dough tomorrow.


N.B. To those kindly commented yesterday, I am keeping your comments along with the original post, which will remain a draft in perpetuity (or however long Blogger exists). Thank you all, as always, for your presence here.


  1. Yes! I saw that striped one and thought, "mine?" Thank you Liz! That is soooo me. And I do Imagine Peace. Every day.

  2. Vicky -

    After seeing your Kid Kollages, the stripe just called out to be included! Glad it pleases you.

  3. Mystery solved! When I went back to look at the post again, it had vanished. The peace pin destined to be mine is perfectly beautiful. I'm happily anticipating receiving something you created.

  4. Stephanie -

    I've noticed other users occasionally pull posts after they've popped up in the Kindred Spirits list. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the fact that the Blogger iPhone app has "save to draft" and "publish" buttons right next to each other (that, and I still "type" with my index finger rather than my thumbs, which seems to lead to more typos). I've learned my lesson and will double-check in the future.

    In any case, your pin is signed, sealed and soon-to-be delivered. So glad it makes you happy!

  5. It was a strange posting day yesterday for several of us. I had a friend who accidentally published a midnight post about her husband. He happened to read it. It led to an interesting discussion between the two of them.

    I went back today and set up my separate writing blog. With hope, my rude writing prompts will stay over there out of the way.

    Grown kids are fun, aren't they? My son and I had a grown-up to grown-up conversation yesterday. It was amazing.

    Hugs and Aloha,

  6. Hunter -

    Maybe April Fools came a day early this year ...

    As for kids, adult or otherwise ... having ours was the best decision Don and I ever made. We are beyond fortunate that they have chosen to have kids of their own.

  7. You made me so curious about the too soon published post!! lol

  8. I am thrilled about my pin and eagerly anticipating its arrival! You are spreading peace 🙏

  9. love seeing the pins imagining peace into the world

  10. There is something going on out there in the universe! I hardly know what I've said, done, what day, etc? But your parade of peace pins is a delight!

  11. Nancy - Sometimes a sense of mystery is a good thing ...

    Suzanna - It's going in the mail today (after I go to the post office to have it hand cancelled) ...

    Mo - Me, too

    Hazel - "What's goin' on?" ... I can't but imagine. Thanks for being delighted. 'Tis fun.

  12. Dear Liz.
    Your most beautiful gift reached me yesterday. It made me cry. The love and peace it carries helped me through an incredibly trying day. I pinned it on immediately and so many others were drawn to its message.

    Your work is amazing. You wouldn't believe the people that started getting a little too close to my chest as they leaned forward to get a closer look. I promptly took it off to show them. lol.

    I will treasure it always.

    Aloha and love and light to you.


  13. it's great to know a person "in Draft".
    i think a tee shirt with "first draft" is an idea.

  14. Jude...I love the t-shirt idea!

  15. Hunter - I smiled at the mental image your story evoked ... love your writing style! And so happy the pin pleased you so.

  16. Jude and Nancy -

    Maybe I should consider it for a future pin ... "first draft" definitely fits how I feel much of the time!

  17. that antelope horn milkweed is stunning! have not seen that before.

  18. Glennis -

    Welcome to the beautiful world that is the Texas Hill Country spring. It is truly a wonder and I thank you for coming by to see it.


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