Patch #280 Hazel's swirled
I loved seeing what Hazel did to her hair in this post at Handstories
She called it metamorphosis, which fit perfectly with the bit of butterfly Shibori in this patch/homage.
Original Post
I finally finished the September patches with this trio ...
Last, but not least, I conjured up memories of my teenage peace activist years for the September 21 post about Vietnam
I guess I could remedy that anytime, right?
For those of you coming over from Jude Hill's SunMoonStars, I've been making a patch for each day of 2016. Sometimes (okay, many times) I get behind. So when I do finish a patch, I insert it retrospectively into the original post. I've even got a subject heading titled Retrospective in the Index with 100+ entries.
So today I finished the patch for September 19
which was inspired by Jude Hill's post Turning. In the original post, I pictured a close-up shot of my antique clock reel, which coincidentally resembled a rising/setting sun ...
The original post for September 20th
promised a take on yellow indiangrass. So I cut a stem to better see the colors ...
then found a variegated floss that would work ...
resulting in this ...
Last, but not least, I conjured up memories of my teenage peace activist years for the September 21 post about Vietnam
My mom's family was quite conservative (as was my mom), but I took after my liberal-minded dad. Consequently, I wore black armbands and clothing embellished with peace signs quite frequently ... including at family gatherings. One uncle used to disdainfully point out that I was wearing the "sign of the American chicken," but in spite of the glowering looks and shaking heads, I persisted. I'm proud of it to this day and my only regret is that I stopped wearing peace signs after the Vietnam War ended ...
I guess I could remedy that anytime, right?