Retrospective (6/3/2016)
I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that dyeing with plants yields organic forms. Even so, Patch #150 and Patch #151 delight me with their earthiness ...
I was of two minds about whether to embellish them with stitch or leave well enough alone, so I decided to have it both ways.
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Here's my first stab at some mending inspired by Junko Oki ...
I really like the look, but I'm going to have to call this agita stitch because it made me extremely jittery as I worked it. Or maybe I just drank too much coffee.
So I settled myself down with a seam-stitching project, since I (finally) finished the strip of April patches ...
Now I just have to figure out how to make weather patches for rainy nights followed by sunny days. However, I can't count on enlightenment from the forecasters or the weather apps ...
I'm going back to weather watching the old fashioned way: looking out the front door ...
and reading the thermometer myself ...