Anyway, in addition to the gift pot Deb Sposa sent, there was this beautiful bit of handwoven cloth ...
Here's the back story in Deb's words:
"I found it at an estate sale at a gorgeous mountain home where the owners had collected amazing Southwestern flavored artworks including fiber pieces & western antiques. Not sure how old it is but I'm guessing at least 50 to 75 years old. The weave style looked Mexican or possibly Native American and I think it was used as a small book cover. I hope you will be able to find a use for it. Possibly bind your own book to put inside ..."Well that answered the question I had about the sewn-under ends ...
And got me thinking how best to showcase it ...
I liked the idea of a book, so I played with the idea of making pages out of used tea bags ...
And then, recalling our trek to northern New Mexico last summer, I hit on the perfect idea: the petroglyphs that we saw in Santa Fe ...
So now I'm playing with watercolors and gouache, trying to find the perfect combination ...
As Rachel Maddow is wont to say, "Watch this space ... "