Triangulation has passed the three-quarter mark, so I'm now squarely in the southwest ...
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I belatedly realized that a scale might be useful. As near as I can figure, Triangulation comes in at 50 miles to the inch ...
making the entire cloth 1800 miles wide by 1100 miles high ... which sounds way more impressive than 36 inches by 22 inches.
It's all a matter of perspective, which has been much on my mind since today is the anniversary of my mother-in-law's passing on April 19, 2010.
They loved her absolutely in return. And what child wouldn't love having a sleepover room, a kitchen window that doubled as a fast-food drive-in, a lovable golden retriever to snuggle, and visits to the dollar store for fashionable jewelry ...
I could always tell when the girls were on the phone with Grandma, who knew how to ask open-ended questions that triggered an animated retelling of whatever was uppermost on their minds. They knew she hung on their every word and the proof of their shared love was clear to see, even in their teenage eyes ...
I hope I can live up to her example ...