The blog community is an ongoing wonder and delight. Recent changes in Blogger resulted in a cessation of email notifications about new comments. Now a fix has emerged, detailed below.
But first, credit to Fiona at Paper Ponderings, who credits Annick at zotvanletters, who in turn credits Ulrike at Ulkau. Amazing, right?
So here's the fix. I've added a few more steps to make it crystal clear (I hope)
1. Go to the Blogger dashboard
2. Click on Settings in the left sidebar
3. Click on Email in the left sidebar
4. Delete your email address from the Comment Notification Email box
5. Click the Remove link below the empty box
6. Click Save Settings in the upper right hand corner
7. Click the Comment Notification Email Add link
8. Type your email address in the box
9. Click Save Settings again
10. Go to your email account where you will find an email titled "Comment subscription request"
11. Open the email and click the Subscribe link
Happy days!
I also (finally) figured out how to back up my blog (can't believe I risked waiting this long)
1. Go to the Blogger dashboard
2. Click on Settings in the left sidebar
3. Click Other in the left sidebar
4. Click the Back up to content button
5. Save to your computer and handle as you would any document download
Dear February,
1 hour ago