Wednesday, March 18, 2015

- LEAF: Llano Earth Art Fest

We went to the inaugural Llano Earth Art Fest and National Rock Stacking Competition. The two artistic/freestyle competitors in this Facebook video provide an insight into what was it was like. That being said, I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story ...


  1. Now this is just the sort of fest that I love, quirky and earth centered. I collect rocks wherever I have lived and build tiny cairns by our front door; good way to greet and connect with landscape.

    1. This is such a great idea ... so I'm going to try it myself!

  2. Replies
    1. We watched one fellow who looked to be about 14 years old actively working on a stack about 3 feet high ... which collapsed as he added another stone. Some of the stones were fairly sizable and as he jumped out of the way of the collapsing structure we realized it can be a hazardous art form. The many completed forms were a credit to the persistence of their creators.

  3. LIZ , is it o.k. for you when i " put up " ?? those stone pictures
    because i like that result in balance
    i am a stone collector eather
    stones made of liquid earth massa
    i saw a documentary on Earth Discovery on our T V .... beautiful !!!!!
    i feel it in my body when i look at that ....
    greets M.

    1. M - Thank you for asking ... yes, I'd be delighted for you to use the stone pictures in any way you wish. You're also welcome to link them back to the blog. L

  4. there is such a sense of Great satisfaction in this. Wish we had this Festival here.......
    we certainly have the stones..
    and it makes me think to maybe do something around the Raft...hmmmm
    Thank you for posting this

    1. Rocks are wonderful ... I carried a rounded bit of white quartz from Shelter Island in my jacket pocket for years. A true touch-stone.
      Here they are So different ... angular and iron-stained. But every so often I find one with a shell fossil and it reminds me that I'm never far from the sea.


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