Thursday, June 18, 2015

- Red + Yellow = Purple?

Internet access on the Outer Banks has been sporadic at best, but it's been nice to unplug.

I've been cooking some tried and true meals (see the Seafood links in the index to get an idea), but I also branched out a bit this year by picking some Indian blanket flowers for an impromptu dye trial ...

Petals and flower heads were strewn on white muslin, then bundled and simmered in water with vinegar and alum (unfortunately I didn't think to use sea water until it was too late). The bundle was left to dry in the sun with this result ...

For some reason, the other side was more dramatic, so I took a second photo in the shade (yes, that's the same ocean ... amazing what a change in lighting can do) ...

Now I'll cross my fingers and hope the internet gremlins let this post slip through ...


  1. well you said it -- the change in the ocean color is so, so interesting!!! hope you have a wonderful time with family, the sea, and your cloth (I never go anywhere anymore without a little sewing)

    1. It was only later I realized the purple was the color of clam shells ... a perfect beach color!


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