Tuesday, September 15, 2015

- Three times three times three equals ... ?

I have begun to stitch my linen patches into trios ...

for no better reason than it lets me avoid committing to a plan anytime soon. And I don't have to think too hard about being random, which is sometimes hard for me to do.

The patches vary in size and shade and thread count, coming as they do from a variety of old table linens and thrifted shirts. And I'm finally trying visible seams after commenting in this post from Jude one year ago ...

Close up view of 1.5" patches

while pondering how I might make the seams even more obvious. Maybe.

For now, there are many more patches, in widths of one-and-a-quarter, one-and-a-half, and one-and-three-quarters inches (yes Grace, I'm still working at being a piece of work), but all with unmeasured lengths so none of them are exactly square except by chance ...

because I wanted to see where that might take me.


  1. Your subtle collection of threes makes me excited to see where they take you.

  2. To start (not thinking what it will be exactly one day) is the best way. I'm still a bit nervous to start a huge work, just dyeing and collect fibers but feel the prickling in my fingers and heart...

    1. I think dyeing will be a part of this eventually ...

  3. Hi Liz,
    Doing just that - having no plan- is the best way to a plan if you even want a plan. Ideas emerge in the openness.

    1. Thanks Roxanne - I'm patiently waiting for the light bulb to go on over my head

      BTW, I forwarded your comment about Hearts for Charleston to Dee Mallon. Since you didn't leave any direct contact information, please contact her at https://deemallon.wordpress.com/

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Mo ... I've decided if I'm going to put all that time in it would be nice to see the stitches

  5. so glad to be back seeing this and thinking about stitches showing.....waiting.....

    1. While you've been away we've been in St Louis ... so I'm looking forward to being back, too!

  6. Visible seams - what a clever idea. I really love the way it looks. You never run out creative ideas.

    1. Thanks much ... all credit for visible seams goes to Jude Hill at Spirit Cloth though

  7. It takes a bit of bravery to do it this way! And, generally, I think it offers up sweet rewards to do it this way. Such a pleasure to handle all those linens ...

    1. I've been amazed at how varied the linens can be ... not all are as needle-friendly as I had hoped. So I'm learning as I go and ideas are starting to gel in my head about where I may be heading. And as you so perfectly expressed in your post today, "I don't like to rush the stitching. I like to spend time looking at it while I work."


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