Sunday, October 25, 2015

- Flying

It's been a great day: six inches of rain in the gauge and an afternoon lost in stitch ...

Rio Grande Turkey feather continued from here

I'm also starting in earnest following the lessons in The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards, which was recommended by Deb Sposa ... because I really enjoyed stitching my own drawing and very much want to do more and better.

Last but far from least, many thanks to Jude Hill for her continued support and encouragement ... I do indeed love learning by playing, not to mention playing by learning. 


  1. his is gorgeous...the feather and each square or block stitched to the next. The colors, so earthy and real. The lighting on this photo is grand. I came over from Cindy's to see what you've been up to...what a treat! I'm glad I did :)

  2. that book, my son gave it to me for my birthday way back,...
    it's funny but somehow any drawing looks good stitched, maybe just has a certain character
    drawing, i think is skill, yes, if representation is important, but also it is about confidence I think...

    1. I recently read something to the effect that what a parent says to a child becomes their inner voice as an adult ... suffice it to say I've got some baggage in that department. If going through this book gives me a way to shut down the left brain soundtrack then it will be well worth the time and effort.

  3. drawing a line, stitching a line, taking a line for a walk as Paul Klee put it, walking the the fine line between pleasure and pain, there is always a mark to be made on any given day, on the sad and frightening days the marks are tremblingly tentaitive, almost not there, on the fierce wild days the marks are made with firm strong willed intent and so it goes... and a funny thing how confidence can be encouraged with just a few kind words given at a crucial xroads in a lifetime or dashed with a few careless words

    1. Fortunately, you provided me with more than a few kind words at one of those crossroads ... now I have a tool with which to make up many years of lost ground.


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