Saturday, September 17, 2016

- Strolling down memory lane

Retrospective (9/26)

Patch #261 Coat of many colors

Original Post

I managed to get four patches done today ...

and enjoyed reliving our recent trip to St. Louis as I stitched.

The first patch hailed back to September 1st ( and as I stitched it I thought how nice it would be if the interstate system actually provided a straight shot from here to there ...

No such luck!

The second patch for Semptember 2nd ( was a take on the letters that Don painted for the playroom before Jace was even born ...

How do I not have a picture of that?

Speaking of Jace being born, September 3rd was his second birthday (, so I used this awesome new thrift store find ...

to make a patch celebrating Jace's lightning fast feet ...

And the September 4th patch ( reminded me yet again how impossibly hard it is to stitch through sheeting ...

I also got the weather patches caught up ...

and decided to close down One Hill Country Year ... again. I'm sure it will be back someday, but the ideal format still eludes me.


  1. The ideal format still eludes me, ha, that was a perfect quote of the day !

    1. I would have preferred "Eureka!" for sure ...

  2. but what about the tradition of embroidering sheets and pillow cases for the glory box? were they made of softer cloth in years gone by?

    1. Ha! Never heard the term glory box, which is only barely better than hope chest. Jude could speak more knowledgeably, but I'm going to guess that the new-style sheets touting hundreds of threads per inch are causing the difficulty with getting the needle through, especially when the cloth us doubled, as it is here.

  3. I wish sheets were friendlier, too. Love how you represented speed in Jace's square. You really have an eye for the possibilities within cloth.

    1. My first big cloth weaving was Triangulation and I did it with hand-dyed sheets. Huge learning experience!

      And now I'm looking at the patch and thinking I should've slanted the letters. He does so love to run, but I'll have more chances to capture that in the future, I'm sure!


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