Monday, November 7, 2016

- Election Eve

Retrospective (12/3)

Patch #312 Sign of the apocalypse

Original Post

I finished a four-day ombré in orange ...

Speedy G on October 7

G's ACL "tattoo" from October 8
with a rationale for the spelling of "axe" versus "ax" to be found here

The monkey bars in Wimberley on October 9

G's chocolate-drizzled, sugar-sprinkled PBJ crepe on October 10

And then, looking at the title of the post from October 11
I had to check to see if that was the day Bob Dylan received the Nobel Prize in literature. Nope, I was two days early ...

Prescient? Well no, but a good example of why our generation's poet laureate deserved the nod: his words have become an integral part of our vernacular.

Finally, I'll let Don have the last word today in this rare (for him) post on Facebook ...


  1. Hi Liz...always enjoy your posts. Glad you had a chance to spend quality time with the grandkids. Sew on!

  2. I so appreciate Don's wise words on his Facebook post. Thanks for sharing them.


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