Friday, November 11, 2016

- Self-soothing

Retrospective (12/4)

Patch #316 Like a river

Original Post

We went to the Wildflower Center with G yesterday, where I found both peace and metaphor.

Are we hopelessly fractured ...

or ready to work ...

together ...

In the weeds ...

or at the beginning of new growth?

Dare we hope to make change for the better?

"My heart is open, my will is fierce" ... with thanks to Dee Mallon for issuing the call. May we each find our best expression of purpose and meaning.


My St Louis daughter just posted this on Facebook and it seems fitting to pass it on ...


  1. Ready to Work, and Grow.
    (& regarding posting comments…I can't find a rhyme or reason why some of mine stick, & others go by the wayside, here & on others', but know that I'm glad you're here sharing. Crossing fingers & pressing "publish")

    1. The ties that bind us are so fragile ... I am grateful every time they hold

  2. Ready to work together! Lovely note from Melissa.

  3. And thanks to Dee, Liz AND Melissa.

  4. Replies
    1. Being spaced-out is a chronic condition for me ... but this week has exaggerated the symptoms. Time to find a cure ...


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