Sunday, February 12, 2017

Showing up

Cloth first. I'm in the process of auditioning cloth blossoms for a baby quilt. The most recent effort (which does not yet have a center to conceal the gathering), was made from vintage handkerchiefs ...

Close up ...

and back ...

Now I'm auditioning some possible dye colors to pull everything together, so stay tuned for more.


  1. Thanks Mo ... I love that these handkerchiefs were my mom's and have been sitting in various drawers for decades.

  2. love this Flower....will you stitch the petals down or leave them at least
    somewhat loose? I can imagine little fingers touching them,

  3. Thanks Grace ... the plan is to tack down the petals beneath the overlapping edge of each adjacent petal. And since I too am hoping for exploring little fingers, I'll be careful not to leave any unbound edges where loose threads could find their way into a little one's mouth.

  4. I have never seen anything like your flowers. They are so beautiful.



  5. What a great way to use old hankies! Did you see the pattern somewhere or did you figure it out? I'd love to see how you did it xoxoxo

  6. Thanks Hunter

    Deb ... I saw a pattern, then modified it. Will try to remember to post, but mostly I'm making it up as I go. Hope your homes made it through the storms!


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