Saturday, May 26, 2018

Slow down ...

How has it already been a week since I posted? And I have so many pictures, so many thoughts to share, some from last month! So maybe this: several shorter posts, starting with this one. 

We wandered through one of our junking haunts, Broadway Paul's in Wimberley ...

but it was closed. One week later, it was still closed, so I texted this picture to the phone number on the sign ...

How much? And the deal was done by sliding some cash under the door.

It has been morphing since then ...

Don getting his milk paint on ...

ideas ebbing and flowing ...

Meantime, as I was looking through the accumulated pantry of rust, I noticed a clock work that had sprung its spring ...

I mean, I just love this ...



  1. good score & love the totem that Don is making!

  2. Mo - another comment that slipped under the radar ... in any case, we have an ongoing debate about terminology for Native American inspired art ... terms like kachina, shaman, totem have different meanings for different folks ... what is an honoring versus a cultural appropriation?

  3. Always enjoy seeing what both of you are creating. Kinda like "I was lost, now I am found," in the material sense.

  4. Sue - We are forever discovering new aspects of self in old things ... just wait until you see what Don is up to (soon to be posted)

  5. Susan - thank you on behalf of Don ... I know he'll appreciate your comment

  6. Yay! What treasures to become super cool art! That RC sign really caught my eye, my dad's favorite.

  7. Nancy - your dad would have loved my alma mater ... back when I was a student they only carried RC products (no Coke, no Pepsi)


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