Wednesday, October 1, 2014

- Making do: Weaving a Boro-style solution

This is where I ended up, but the story starts here:

I bought a pair of Capri pants earlier this summer ... on sale of course. Unfortunately, I soon discovered why they were marked down: the decorative zippers were incredibly uncomfortable whenever I crossed my legs, which was often. 

So, having taken an online study with Jude Hill on Considering Weave, I decided to try weaving on cloth to make sturdy strips in place of the zippers.

On my first couple of tries, I set up a bead loom with a crochet cotton warp, then randomly wove linen cloth into it. Two strands of cotton floss then got stitched through the fabric and between the warp threads as a kind of weft.

But the resulting strips were too heavy, so I went back to the drawing board.

I used a lighter warp (20/2 linen thread that I've had for decades), a scrap of green table cloth linen (from the kitchen towel series ... which reminds me, I need to write a summary post on that), and cotton/linen thread unraveled from a sweater that my daughter was sending to Goodwill.

The more I worked, the less sure I was whether I was weaving ...

or stitching ...

And in my mind I began to word play ... Was I steaving or witching? No matter. The resulting strips were the perfect weight to sew into the pants ...

I even used the holes from the torn out zippers as a stitch guide.

Field testing remains to be done, but I'm pretty sure it was time well spent. And if nothing else, I now have an intriguing new technique in my stitch repertoire.


  1. Replies
    1. Considering Weave was a wonderful way to open my mind to new ways of going ... thank you!!

  2. wow, this is so much better than the zipper

    1. When we first began Considering Weave I thought "What will I ever use this for?"
      Now I know ... ha!


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