Saturday, November 19, 2016

- What's in a word

Retrospective (12/13)

Patch #324 Peace bird

Original Post

Okay, I'm over myself. After writing the post below (which I considered deleting, but decided to keep), I went outside and dug up a compost heap. It was full of rich soil where once there had been piles of prickly pear cactus. There's metaphor to be found in tending one's garden.

And comfort to be found in wonderful blog posts like this one at Judy's Journal 

I also started to think about what to do with these little guys ...

80 peace birds found at a resale shop after reading this post at Deb's Artisun 

Better now.

Original Post

I have been slogging through this week, mentally and physically. And I am shamed by that because there are so many who have far greater challenges.

Still, I sought a word with which to define myself. Ennui perhaps? Not quite. Maybe this ...

Even cloth seems like too much trouble, let alone preparations for the holidays. 

I'm not sure I want to remember this, except that it is my truth for now.


  1. (((Liz))) "when I found myself in times of trouble" I listen to "Let it be" over and over and pay attention to my breath in and out... sort of like purring...


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