Sunday, November 20, 2016

- Thawing out

Patch #325 Shingled sun and shadow

Original Post

First frost hit hard before dawn, but the sun is already melting it away ...

Ever faithful, Don tucked in this non-native palm last night, the first plant we bought after moving to Texas ...

Cloth is once again consoling me with this October trio ...

October 18 Many moons

October 19 Bat boy

and October 20 Balance in all things

So now I'm off to the garden and the wisdom of compost.


  1. You have frost and we do not! Day after day, week after week the daytime temp here is in the middle 50's and the nights in the high 40's. Wind rises and falls. Sun peeks out between the intermittent rain showers. We should have had frost by now. Your patches pile riches upon riches. What a work you have in progress!

    1. 20-30 degree temperature swings are the norm around here ... I was sweating in the garden this afternoon! While I don't miss the humidity of Tidewater Virginia, the lack of a nearby ocean does make quite a difference when it comes to moderating temperatures!

      And thank you ... as always.


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