Sunday, January 1, 2017

Be it resolved

First and foremost, best wishes to all for a peaceful new year. After taking a week off from blogging and commenting, I'm ready to begin anew.

In the past, I've used this time to do a "Year in Review"
and acknowledge the blog community

However, since this year has been a daily exercise in remembering, I'm ready to look forward for a change.

So I'll continue to honor New Year's resolutions past ...

2013 - Create
2014 - Blog
2015 - Stitch
2016 - Remember 

by adding a new one-word resolution:

2017 - Enjoy!

To that end, I plan to be:

Finishing Remember 2016 ...

Quilting the Land of Flood and Drought - 2016 ...

Creating a new book for our grandkids entitled Moondance ...

Honoring our roots and branches with a new patch project ...

Telling the stories behind the people and places and objects that have filled our lives with such happiness while welcoming a new granddaughter into our midst.

Being open to whatever might come our way ... because my life is a true collaboration that wouldn't be complete without Don. We are beginning our 40th year of married life and there isn't another time or place that we'd rather be than here and now.

In short, the plan is to thoroughly enjoy life and all it has to offer. 

I hope you'll join us from time to time along the way.


  1. Love your word! It is a good thing to do, mine is concentrate... I need to concentrate on the moment, the thing that I am doing at the time which means staying long enough to enjoy the process. I also love the idea of a grandmother book; someone gave me one, a fill in the blanks, answer these questions book and I haven't been able to get very far. Maybe I'll just gesso over some and write what I want if I don't like the question.

  2. enjoy. yes, i think mine is joy. but unspoken. simple joy in simple things.

  3. Aloha, Liz.

    Happy 2017. My Dear One and I are enjoying our 42nd year together. What a blessing.

    My guiding thought this year is "Now." To stay in the moment. Not to think about what might happen tomorrow or what happened yesterday.

    Each moment savored.

    Just like right now. Wishing you happiness and you favorite colors.


  4. In the moment of waiting for this post to load, thinking of your world, I thought, "Liz's life is very Full, of family and joy." Wishing you continued overflowing.ox

  5. and I shall enjoy reading about the fullness !!! (as Hazel says). My word might be 'completion' or 'follow through' -- oh I know the latter is two words and neither constitutes much of an avowal, but just to share the flavor of where I find myself...

  6. Congratulations Liz & Don on 40 years of love, 1977... that is so many moons!

  7. Thanks to all for coming by ... replying in this new format feels awkward and I'm thinking that going to a moderated version might be the solution. We shall see. Meantime, I look forward to journeying, stopping by your places to see what you're up to.

    As always, I bid you peace.

  8. May you. May you and Don and on and on with your Making
    and Loving eachother...

  9. Thank you Grace ... your Windthread is a shared joy for us.

  10. Congratulations! Your collaboration with Don has yielded many blessings and enjoying them is the only way to do them honor. Happy New Year!

  11. Priceless words..."enjoy, now" - Blessings to you and Don for the journey which continues. You know how I feel about your story cloth - Priceless!!!

  12. Not sure that my earlier comment went thru???
    Anyway, Blessings for you and Don on your continued journey. Fine people on a fine path together.

  13. Thanks Dana ... here's hoping that 2017 will be a very good year!

  14. Thanks Sue ... getting to meet you has made your comments mean all the more!

  15. And yes, Sue ... your original comment came through, but I've added moderation so I can hopefully get the hang of responding in some reasonable proximity to each comment.


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