Saturday, October 11, 2014

- Just a little bit: One square inch of cloth weave

I'm back to my 60-count linen warped shadow box loom ... trying to finish up so I can cut the bits of cloth off and make a sampler to remember Considering Weave by.

Taken with my new iPhone ... which makes me very happy

This latest 1" x 1" bit is linen cloth woven into the linen warp and stitched with Jude's magic thread (which was thoughtfully wrapped around September Window). 

Unfortunately, my attempt to weave a reprise of the "Sow/Sew peace" flag using raveled threads from the linen cloth was far less satisfying (and therefore unworthy of photo documentation). You can't win 'em all.


  1. love the detail in this sampler Liz & the ongoing experimentation of raveling the unravellled

    1. Thanks ... I'm really pleased at the quality of the photos I'm getting with my new phone.
      As for the raveled thread, I decided to document the failed attempt in another post ... it's all part of the learning process. For sure I won't be using raveled linen again (at least not anytime soon)


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