Thursday, November 27, 2014

- Love letters: Burning words into wood

While I'm pretty new to hand-lettering, Don's been at it for some time. Except where I stitch with needle and thread, he wields a wood burning tool of his dad's that was originally used for feathering duck decoys.

This is his most recent project, intended to encourage us to drink more ...

It's like back stitch in burn marks ...

He's also crafted mementos of significant events during our time in Texas (although this one needs a bit of updating) ...

including these two bits of windfall oak perched on a shelf in the kitchen ...

My all-time favorite poses the perennial question ...

Although today the answer is "Neither ... " because home is where my heart is.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. thanks for all you share Liz & Don!

    1. It takes someone to share it with ... thank you for coming to visit so often

  2. Replies
    1. Consider ourselves encouraged ...

    2. i did not think you needed it, however i'm glad i could oblige

  3. Aloha, Liz.

    I was enjoying "Lettering" when I saw "All roads lead to the beach."


    It's how I feel. Pulled here in such a weird time in our lives that made everyone we knew think we were crazy. Pulled here by the sand and the sea to take us away from corporate crap in California.

    Thank you for sharing. Your art spoke to me loudly today.


  4. Hunter -

    We obviously share a love and reverence for the sea ... thank you for joining me here and sharing your thoughts.


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