Sunday, December 21, 2014

- Turn, turn, turn: A first attempt at discharge dyeing with bleach

"Well the sun is surely sinking down ...

But the moon is slowly rising ...

So this old world must still be spinning 'round and I still love you"

With thanks to James Taylor for the words ... wishing everyone peace on this day of solstice and in the year to come.


  1. ah James Taylor such a gentle voice so full of love go well you two!

  2. you too!
    beautifull quote and such great illustratian

    love the light!

  3. Bleach in what form? Happy Solstice to you too!

  4. i've never tried this. i remember somewhere in Jude's workshops someone using Soft scrub
    with bleach
    did you paint it on or clamp resist? Tell more, please..........

    1. I looked this up on the Whispering Sun, Moon, and Stars ... made masks with freezer paper and used Comet soft scrub cleanser because that was what I had, but wasn't thrilled with how grainy it was ... so I next time I want to try Soft Scrub and a bleach pen to see how they work in comparison ... and I definitely need to work on timing (the sun went a little too far and the moon not quite far enough)

    2. yes it was a lesson in sun moon stars. the soft scrub works best for me. i have done some new ones recently... will share in small journeys after the holiday.

    3. I'll look forward to it ... have a peaceful holiday season


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