Tuesday, February 3, 2015

- New Mexico: Inspiration to last a lifetime

I've added a " New Mexico" label to the index because it has become apparent that this place, this land of enchantment, has literally gotten into our blood.

The latest on the assemblage

And in service of that inspiration, I've been teaching myself warp-faced weaving by trial and error, first warping a shadow box ...

Then discovering that this ...

was not going to work as well as this, which has one pair of red strands added to either side of the seven red/black pairs ... 

And now I am slowly figuring out how to weave an "X" ...

1/2" wide

Meanwhile, Don found his "Jude Hill" in the artist Robert Rivera and has been pulling out shells and gourds and sticks and ...


A synapse fired and I rooted out a box that has been sitting next to the printer ... gifted to us by the Cline family when we were in Avon four years ago? Five? 

No matter ... in the box was a handful of sticks (rootlets?) that I found on the beach that year ...

And a chunk of aggregated shell sand ... thunderstone? Well, probably not.

No matter ... they will surely serve Don's muse.


  1. oh warp face weaving is fun! I have a great little book somewhere, if i can find it i will send it to you.

    1. Your Considering Weave has continued to inspire me to try things I never would have imagined.

  2. for ever i have loved Rivera's gourd work. There were a few years here that i grew and carved
    and painted gourds. It's WONDER full..... and these sticks are magic looking.

    the weaving....yes. the Weaving.

    1. I think there may even have been some of his gourds at the Santa Fe B&B where we stayed ... but everything was so new that it was hard to absorb it all at the time.


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