Monday, February 9, 2015

- Tomfoolery

Don caught some of our neighborhood Rio Grande turkeys in action ...



  1. Wow. Those birds are magnificent. How amazing to have them walking freely across the countryside.

    1. The Rio Grande turkeys are amazing ... long-legged critters that can grow to over four feet tall. It's not unusual to see twenty or more at a time (we counted forty-some once) and they're very nice about leaving a feather behind every so often.

  2. a truly wonderFull photograph...your herd but on their own...i would love to see this.

    1. They never cease to amaze me ... we had six older hens who always traveled together, one of which was very lame. If I went outside when they were in the yard, two or three of the hens would move away from Hop-along and make a lot of noise to divert my attention while she limped away in the opposite direction. Sadly, she hasn't been spotted this spring, but she had a good long run considering the predators in our area.


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