Monday, March 9, 2015

- Getting closer: Close Your Eyes 2 nears completion

Two more page spreads have been completed on Close Your a Eyes 2, A-sides and B-sides ...

I'm particularly happy with the moon rising through the trees, which was started by loosely sketching some live oak branches off the Internet (with thanks to Mo for her recent advice), then roughly cutting the shape out with kitchen shears (which explains the fine job I did ) ...

The branches were then traced onto the B-side and filled in with some of the lyrics from James Taylor's Carolina in My Mind ... 

back stitched with a single strand of floss ...

then filled in on the A-side with needle weaving, seen here with the top two branches complete and the bottom two branches still showing traces of the lyrics from the B-side ...

Don has been busy, too. Initially he was working on a new tile ...

and came up with a neat twist on the sun center ...

But somewhere along the way, the sun migrated onto another piece of wood ...

So he now has two pieces in process, I guess.

Then there's this coffee table Georgia O'Keeffe In the West (Knopf 1989) that I found for a song at a used book store, now airing out page-by-page under our laundry room fan ...

Which is to say, we've been keeping busy. 

Last, but not least, here's another Mondegreen moment, Griffin-style this time ...

Meg sent us a text this morning (gently edited to protect the innocent):
I just asked Griffin if he did something and he said "No."
So I asked if he was lying. He roared and said "I'm a lion."


  1. a nice marriage of serendipity & intent

    1. Interesting to discover that I find it easier to "caress the edges" of a figure with a needle than with a pen(cil)

  2. I LOVE the bottom branches showing the lyrics....i loved THIS! the top filled in, the bottom
    as they were...just loved that
    and the Sun knew. This Migration is Excellent...Grand and FINE!

    1. Putting our creations up into the great wide ether and hearing the echo is just the coolest thing ever ... we're so glad whenever you come by


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