Saturday, April 4, 2015

- Easter traditions: Old and new

Lapsed churchgoer that I am, I feel slightly hypocritical participating in religious holidays, but when it comes to passing on traditions to kids I'm all in.

Last year we were invited to an Easter potluck and were delighted to be included in the festivities again this year. I sewed up some goodie bags for the kids, labeling them with pictures from last year's egg hunt (amazing how much they've changed) ...

And Don cooked up a wine bottle label using Kendall's "Stay Cheese-y" sign-off from the Antonelli's Cheese Shop newsletter ...

Since it's a potluck, I'm baking Simnel Cake, first written about in this post and finally photographed for posterity ...

Don also cooked up a smoked turkey, which we'll carve tomorrow to put on a triple-batch of warm Apple Onion Walnut Muffins pictured here.

Guess we're ready to let the good times (and the Easter eggs) roll ...


  1. Thought I had left a comment...anyway, could I copy your Apple Onion Walnut muffin recipe Liz? Itt looks delicious and I know my girls would love it; Shelley ,especially if we had some slices of smoked turkey. Erika and her family are vegetarians but I could just see them add a nice slice of English cheddar to this muffin.

    Simnel cake is new to me and I enjoyed reading about how you adapted the recipe. Holidays, the tradition of foods and decorating, stay with us even if we no longer go to church...every year for Easter, I've usually made leg of lamb, sometimes ham, as my mother did but boy did we go off the course this year. Rich and I decided to take a drive and we did up to Jemez Springs, past Valles Caldera (the volcanic area), near Bandalier, over to Los Alamos and home via Santa Fe. What started out as a short Sunday drive ended up over 5 hrs on the road. Too late to cook dinner, our repast consisted of low salt Lay's potato chips and after we got home, a slice of chocolate cake!

    1. I'd love to have you use any of the recipes here ... the more the merrier.

      And I have to laugh about the chocolate cake ... more than once I've substituted dessert for a meal (leftover strawberry trifle for breakfast is a particular favorite of mine)


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