Friday, May 29, 2015

- Blue sky and sunshine: Dyeing with thimble flowers and mountain pinks

Yes, that really is blue sky peeking through the leaves of the persimmon ...

Dark maroon Thimble Flower petals wrapped in cotton muslin with copper wire
Pre-mordanted with soy milk, steeped overnight in a copper pot with alum, vinegar and water

and sunshine dancing on the cloth ...

Mountain pink flowers, stems and leaves wrapped in cotton muslin with copper wire
Pre-mordanted with soy milk, steeped overnight in a copper pot with alum, vinegar and water

Addendum (for Patricia):

Rusted metal roadrunner in one of Don's rock gardens (definitely not a chicken)

For those who are interested: Austin American Statesman coverage of the Memorial Day flooding


  1. that blue is amazing. and the blue sky--a welcome sight. is that a chicken running around under the cloth?

    1. I read your comment and wondered, "What?" ... then laughed when I realized our rusted metal roadrunner sculpture had made it into the picture. See above for a better view.

  2. Beautiful results Liz...and beautiful weather. What great colors you got!

    1. Thanks much ... I'm trying to let go of preconceived notions and letting the cloth tell me what it wants to be

  3. well, YES, the BLUE, but if you turn the mountain pink the other way, what a great
    landscape with SUN FILLED sky it might be....these are GREAT! and a week of
    Sun with no rain, what seed will sprout all over your all that Rain will
    transform the land, i am waiting to see

    1. Well, a week of sun is still a dream waiting to happen. Another 3.5 inches of rain yesterday ...

      And yes, I do like the idea of flipping the yellow/brown piece of cloth into landscape and sky ... an echo of the sunset last night when everything went golden after the rain.


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