Wednesday, May 13, 2015

- Triangulation: The last word

Jude Hill has been talking about measuring in her Small Journeys on Spirit Cloth ... or more accurately, about not measuring. About trusting the process and one's own internal measure.

Which makes sense. When you think about it, we're all pretty good at measure. Think of tipping your head while looking at a picture on the wall and saying, "That's not quite level" ... then confirming it with a level, as if you really needed it.

For years I have reveled in clean-the-fridge cooking, where there always seems to be the right amount needed for a pasta or a salad, a soup or a sandwich. I made bread at my daughter's recently and there was just enough bread flour in the bag for what I needed. I love it when that happens.

But it takes practice to trust one's gut, to accept the unexpected, to internalize the measure of things.

And so ... Triangulation was a huge leap of faith for me. Made without measuring, without a plan ... strips of cloth torn and woven together ... then stitched and stitched and stitched again until its integrity was sure in my hand ... then wrapped around a piece of stuffing that had been free-cut from an old body-length pillow months before ... finally safety pinned and ladder stitched together.

Resting at last on the couch, a-side ...

or b-side, depending on how it falls ...

The top seam more obvious ...

the back seam less so (it's the second from the right) ...

There is much to be said for not measuring.


  1. I love how this evolved into a cushion!

  2. it came out just so so FINE. How GOOOOOOOOD this must feel, even just to pass by
    but to stop and place your hand. To pick up and Hold. a testament to your and Don's
    Journeys and also your journey with cloth. I just so much LOVE it....

  3. Me too! Me too! I just love it.

  4. organic
    it steels my heart

    1. Thank you ... and please forgive the delay in finding your comments.

  5. Somehow my previous comments evaporated, so once again, thank you all --Mo, Grace and Dana-- for your loving words. It is wonderful to literally have this cloth "at hand" ... close by where I can see and touch the many stitches and softness of it. The journey continues.

    P.S. Hold onto your hats for my next project ... the very antithesis of this one!

  6. a real journey, held together with love and thread. beautiful. can't wait for the next one!

    1. Thanks muchly ...
      Definitely time for something new ... a shorter journey on more familiar (to me) roads

  7. A journey recorded in dye, stitch and cloth. Triangulation is so much more than documenting; it is a map to the landscape of your hearts and so very movingly touching; a family treasure that is immeasurable!

    1. Oh Marti ... you do so have a way with words. Thank you!


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