Friday, January 22, 2016

- Happily here

Before I begin today's post, I want to say thanks to everyone who commented yesterday. Because I know that blogging in a vacuum just isn't where it's at for me. So your presence and the time you give to reading and commenting, mean a lot. Thank you.

Onward: I'm actually kind of late posting today, but I made the deadline with this lantana-bloom purple patch ...

Patch #22

Since daylight is long gone, the color is hard to capture, even in this extended view ...

So, I'll post it again tomorrow after I add some stitch. I do have a legitimate reason  for posting late of course. I just started another project and as I gathered my DMC together this afternoon, I found this ...

and I realized I just had to have the missing 925. So off I went to Hobby Lobby where I discovered there is no such thing as DMC 925. Really? There should be.

Fortunately, the trip wasn't a total loss. I went to the library to get another Mo Willems' picture book to read with G (even if you don't have any little people of your own, if you have ever been present at a toddler meltdown you must read Knuffle Bunny ... just trust me and take a look next time you're at a library or bookstore).

And I picked up some fresh flour tortillas at the food store. Gotta love Texas.

I even had time to stitch a sample when I got home, even if it wasn't exactly the color I was hoping for ...

 But I can't tell you what it's for ... it's a secret


  1. Great color!
    Did you know that 'knuffel' in Dutch means hug and also softie (-: My very first English book was called: My Snuggly Bunny.

    1. Oh, I love learning the true meaning of "knuffel" ... somehow it never occurred to me to look it up, thinking it was a made-up word I suppose. I've long used the word "nuggle" as cross between hug and snuggle, but "knuffle" is such a soft word I may just have to switch.

  2. Memories rolling in to read of your reading Knuffle Bunny to your little grandson. The Knuffle Bunny books were some of my favorites to read to my grandchildren when they were toddlers. I love that Knuffle Bunny, A Cautionary Tale won the Caldecott award in 2005, along with two other books that year, for best illustrated children's book. Rowie my granddaughter especially loved the book; I think she identified with Trixie. Spence, my grandson especially loved running down the hall after "capturing" Rowie's toy bunny, yelling "Knuffle Bunny is mine!" We even made up a song that we chanted as we would go down the hall carrying toy bunnies and the book, "Knuffle Bunny, Knuffle Bunny, you are so funny, you are my honey, you make me feel sunny!"

    1. Made up songs are the best ... I didn't recall making up songs withy kids until the grandkids came along. Then it all came back to me, including Backward ABCs which the three-year-old grandsons now sing together (G has his own variation where "I-H-G-F" becomes "I love you and")

    2. "with my" not "withy" (sigh)

  3. Replies
    1. Ha! Here's a great story. One of the three-year-old grandsons had a loose thread on his clothes. When his mom detached it he said, "We should save it for Nana."


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