Sunday, February 7, 2016

- Such a to do ...

I am a list maker ...

Patch #38

have been forever ... even as a kid, when told to clean my room I would make a list of all the things I had to do and then line them out one by one. Sometimes I would even cut up the list items and draw them out of a hat, rewriting them one by one in the random order they were to be done.

I love crossing things off. Online lists don't give quite the same sense of accomplishment as a paper list full of lined out items. Although I confess I do have more than twenty lists on my iPhone sticky notes app with titles like "Books to (re)read" and "Gift ideas," so I'm not entirely a Luddite in that regard.

At work, my lists had lists. But I often used those lists as a way to figure out what not to do. After all, any item that remained undone after making it onto one list after another was probably not worth doing in the first place, right?

So today's patch is a reminder of my reminders: a tongue-in-cheek, shake-of-the-head gibe at my persistent belief that I can actually control things. As if ...


  1. This one is both very funny and adorable. It has the charm of all miniatures.

    1. It does veer a bit into the cutesy zone, but I had fun doing it. Still, when I was reading Close Your Eyes (2) with G this weekend I was taken aback at how many layers of cloth, stitch and meaning were stitched into it. The daily patches are too small to hold depth, but I'm hoping that cumulatively they will make a worthwhile statement.


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