Sunday, March 20, 2016

- An artful day

 Retrospective (4/29/2016)

Patch #80 (revised with green split backstitch)
 Original Post

The Wildflower Center had an art show this weekend, so we met up with some friends for brunch this morning, then headed over.

Folk artist George Boutwell was actually the lure that got us there, as he captures quintessential Texas scenes ... and we did walk away with a copy of his 2009 calendar featuring Texas honky tonks.

However, the coup of the day came in making the acquaintance of Sue Foss, who makes clothing with shibori, batik, and indigo dyed cloth. She kindly told me about the Austin Fiber Artists who meet monthly just a few miles from our daughter's house. I've marked my calendar for the next meeting.

Better yet, I not only made the acquaintance of fiber and mixed media artist Jan Pomeroy (who also had a past connection to Austin Fiber Artists), I walked away with this delightful piece ...

that I pulled out of its frame as soon as we got home. I have commissioned a more suitable housing from Don, then I'll figure out where to put it on our rapidly diminishing wall space.

Last, but not least, I had a thoroughly enjoyable conversation with metal artist Laura Sturtz, whose copper "quilts" and "weaving" speak to a kindred aesthetic differentiated only by medium.

As we walked out, Don turned in his tracks, stopping in front of a plant we have long called "Spanish dagger." Wrong! 

Now we know: thorn-crested agave is what we've got, in abundance! Then again, it could be the  thorncrest century plant, which might actually be the same thing. I'm so confused.

Returning home, I went out to see what might have come up since my last picture walk and was rewarded with this lovely sight ...

Close up

I do believe you'll be seeing another patch of blue-eyed grass soon!


  1. love the painting of the Echinacea Liz! what a great day! ythe thorn crested agave and thorn crested century are both Agave univittata so they're the same plant & now I know why blue eyed grass doesn't do well here in Sydney with our hot humid summers, thank you!

    1. The painting is yet another source of inspiration. Hopefully I can get my hands to channel what's in my mind.

      As for the blue-eyed grass, I think you've diagnosed it correctly ... these blue eyes came up in a totally neglected corner of the yard where the soil is parched and rocky, the very antithesis of humid (except when it floods, but even then the water quickly drains away).

      Our wildflowers in general tend to be miniaturized versions of the Wildflower Center flowers, which are drip irrigated and carefully tended. No matter ... I love our hardy volunteers!

    2. P.S. I get it when there are multiple common names, but multiple Latin names make my head hurt (wink)


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