Wednesday, March 16, 2016

- Caught up

The long-promised yellow evening primrose finally got done ...

Patch #75

And since today was G day, I decided to do an orange take on a floodplain turkey track ...

Close up

When I asked G what he thought this was ...

Patch #76

He said, "A T. rex footprint." Well, that was close. It's actually lichen dyed linen reverse appliqued over rust dyed muslin. Either way, turkeys and dinosaurs are all part of the Texas experience.

Who me? Political?

P.S. You might live near a city if you play "traffic jam" with your train set ...


  1. All of your new patches are wonderful. Evening primrose, turkey tracks (ROAR), road trips....each one is so right.

    1. Thanks Dana ... I was looking at the March patches with G and he readily identified the orange patches as our days together. "But what's this one?" he asked, pointing to a blank green patch.

      I didn't have a clue. Good question G!

  2. Love the evening primrose and the turkey track...

    1. Thanks Suzanna ... I'm pretty new to all things appliqué, so the wonky track was most instructive.

  3. hmmm go out and have a close look at the petal arrangement of the Evening Primrose love the colours and the stamens in your stitching but you'll see that the petals overlap in a clockwise logic

    1. I love this teaching ... I was looking at a photograph rather than the actual flower (they have an annoying habit of folding up). Lesson learned!


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