Saturday, April 23, 2016

- Putting it together

Retrospective (5/22/2016)

Patch #114 A family portrait in patches

Original Post 

Yesterday's lunch became last night's misery, so I switched to a diet of tea and toast while Don went to the Memorial service for Liz and Heather, Keith and Logan headed to a wedding ...

Fortunately, I brought three months worth of patches with me and have been enjoying a quiet day of stitching them together ...

And I'm looking forward to some salt air therapy at the beach, because tomorrow's gonna be another day.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Finicky digestive systems can slow us down. Been there, done that and will do it again. Blessings, Sue

  2. I hope whatever stomach issues you've had have passed, Liz, and you're back to yourself again. I found out that when I eat all whole foods and skip the gluten, I feel great. But, of course, that's not always what I'd eat.
    Your patches look beautiful.
    Enjoy the healing powers of the salt air!

  3. Thank you both for your well wishes ... the upside of my food poisoning bout was gifting myself with an entire day of stitching while I recuperated.


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