Monday, May 23, 2016

- The color of worry

Green is my favorite color. Offspring of warm yellow sun and cool blue water, it is the hopeful blush of trees in spring, the deep richness of summer foliage, the tawny tinge of harvest grain, and the steadfast color of pine and agave.

Green is the changing face of the sea, reflecting the sky's blues and grays, revealing the golden grains of sand caught in its wash, channeling the magical light of evening into liquid gems.

Green is the color of my daughter's eyes.

But for all its beauty, green has a darker side. It is the funk of fungal growth, the slimy scum of algae, the bitter bile of nausea and the ghastly pallor of illness.

Yesterday I worried and then I wondered, "What is the color of worry?" My eyes ran over the folded piles of cloth on my stitching table and stopped on a gray green. Once part of a dress I often wore and very much liked, still it somehow fit.

It was the perfect patch to reflect my angst. And so I drew one strand of floss after another, invisibly stitching from the inside out, trying to manifest the nervous energy that ricocheted within the box of my fevered mind ... imagining the things I imagine, most of which never come to pass.

Worry is such a pointless, fruitless, worthless, futile activity. It changes nothing, its only creation being a tangle of negative emotions.

What a waste ...

Patch #144


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you ... I was incredibly agitated when I made it, even though the cause for worry had been resolved

  2. there's a mark for every season and reason

  3. All of your descriptions of green, also my favorite color, hold true but to me, more than any other color, green is hope, the wonder and gift of seedlings, etc. I simply breathe in green and most of my wardrobe is green. My grandchildren once asked me if my blood was green! Cate Kerr who blogs at Beyond the Fields We Know said this of green: "If grace and gladness and wildness each have a color, it is surely green and a fine thing it is to be walking in the world on such a day."

    1. Green is and will always be the best part of me

  4. such a beautiful homage to green!
    and what an incredibly poignant patch, full of frantic energy, allbeit negative...for to worry is to waste (as you well know), although you clearly did not waste yours!

    1. A refreshing change to make something positive out of all that negative energy ...

    2. yes, changing one's perspective can do that

  5. Hi is my favorite color and the color of my eyes, as well. Gratefully, there are so many wonderful and positive shades of green, far more than the nasty ones! Worry and fret, so easy to do. Your little patch captured all that frenzy in a wonderous way. Blessings.

    1. We share green eyes ... supposedly rare, but I seem to be acquainted with a fair number


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