Thursday, May 19, 2016

- It's a dillo

This excavation appeared in our side yard recently ...

Signs of rooting about in our paths and gardens led us to believe it might have been dug by an armadillo. This morning, I made a confirmed sighting. 


They really are pests and we should probably live-trap and move it. But what if it's a mama dillo?

I dunno.

Anyway, I pulled out my old hunk of roadkill dillo, found a few years ago when picking up trash along the ranch road ...

and immediately thought of Jude's stacked running stitch (which I've been "seeing" in everything lately).  

Patch #140 is what I made of it ...

I rendered both in monotones the better to see just the patterning. Here's the colorized version ...


  1. GREAT....the stitch....perfect....just GREAT!
    what do they eat?

  2. i looked it up...they pretty much eat things that you won't be sad about,
    well, except earthworms, but all the rest....
    why are they pests?

    1. Eating grubs is okay by me ... it's how they get to the grubs that causes problems. Because they're so good at digging the armadillos can uproot plants and/or damage root systems ... not good for garden plants. Likewise, they loosen soil, which can be good unless it's in an area that's prone to erosion from flooding. So, they're pesky since they don't pay attention to where they're digging.

      As a footnote, they are also known to transmit leprosy, but we're not going to get close enough to be at risk.


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