Friday, July 15, 2016

- Backlit

Retrospective (7/18/2016)

Patch #197 Georgia's Window Scraps II

Original Post

How Georgia's Window will look once it's hemmed and hung ...

and another look at the original ...


  1. Stunning. In awe of your skill-filled patience. (ps. Don't tell Georgia, but I like your's better, with its richer glowing colors)

    1. Thanks much Hazel ... and I promise not to tell (ha!)

  2. I was thinking the same as Hazel, that yours glows. The light behind it is perfect.

    1. Thank you ... it's a west window in our bedroom and I'm really tempted to hang it there, but the strength of Texas sunshine would probably suck the color out of it in no time. I'm still pondering, but a shaded window in the master bath will probably get the nod.


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