Sunday, July 24, 2016

- Humming along

First off, if you've already read yesterday's "Cloudy ..." post, please take another look as I neglected to include the Summer Sky patch. So I'm going to put today's patch first. 

Patch #206 Water

It's loosely based on our bird bath ...

which provides water not only to birds, but also to insects, lizards ...

and the occasional deer (but only when they are thirsty beyond caring that the house is so close by).

Three more patches were also completed for July 16-18 ...

The first is a composite of the patches currently in play on the weather cloth ...

Rain on the left, no rain across the top, and rain clouds on the right. The newer patches in the center will enable me to depict those days that are graced by both sun and rain (middle left), misty mornings (lower middle right), and puffy white cloud days (upper middle right).

The second patch ...

documents my first attempts at using Inktense pencils to depict critters ...

a benchmark of sorts for where I am in my creative journeying.

And the last of the three will be familiar to those of you who cruised down the road in the late 60s and early 70s ...

because I woke up last Monday thinking about a radio show from my childhood: Rambling with Gambling on WOR, which my parents listened to in the morning during breakfast. Fearless Fred Feldman gave traffic reports from his helicopter ("tie-ups on the Koss-kee-oss-koh bridge"), while John Gambling spun tunes like Pack up your Troubles, King of the Road, Buffalo Gals, and Rambling Rose (of course).

This ad appeared in the NY Times on the same day ...

leading to more memory-weaving, supplemented with some Google searches. AM radio was my gateway dial, with WABC and Cousin Brucie (Bruce Morrow) leading the hit parade, followed by WMCA when the music stopped for ads and "station identification." 

But by high school, FM reigned supreme, with 95.5 WPLJ leading the list of go-to stations, the better to hear the deep album cuts that became the soundtrack of my youth.

Who am I kidding? The soundtrack of my life. I still love rock-and-roll ... always will.

P.S. Of course, today there are clouds ...


  1. Another brilliant patch of patches! The bird drawing looks great and the radio dial is so nostalgic...we listened to KJR Seattle, or CKLG Vancouver when the reception from Seattle faltered.

    1. Thanks Dana ... wish I had orcas in my backyard as you do. What a patch that would make!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Mo ... can't wait to see your book and listen to Rod in our own living room!

  3. Great memories, great stitching! You made me smile! Bless you.


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