Thursday, July 21, 2016

- The way it was

Retrospective (7/25/2016)

Patch #203 Sometimes stuff happens ...

Original Post

My father passed away in 2012, but my brother and sister-in-law are still sorting through all the "stuff" he left behind in his house on Shelter Island. Every so often, they find something they think I might be interested in and stick it in a box. When the box is full, they send it off to Texas.

This is one of several things that arrived in the mail last Thursday ...

I was probably 8 or 9 years old, but I remember buying this kit at Claudio's Marina in Greenport on a rainy day during our annual Shelter Island vacation. No doubt it was intended to keep me occupied on the days we couldn't get to the beach. What I liked most about it was the departure from the stamped cross stitch that had been my initial training ground. And I thought it was beyond cool that you got to combine threads of different colors to stitch the clouds and the waves.

My current-day self was aghast at the subject matter: the harpooning of a whale. Likewise, I lamented my parents' use of Masonite as a backing board, the acid from which effectively "cooked" the cloth.

Still, a memory is a memory, so I cut a patch of blue sky ...

and added it to my July 14th post "Learning as I go" ... which seemed apt.

The rest of the day was odd ... two patches just didn't work out so I switched to stitching the patches for the first half of July onto Remember 2016 ...

Honestly, I think the convention coverage has gotten to me ... and there's still another week to go.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mo ... it isn't titled yet, but I'm starting to think "learning" will end up in there somehow

  2. I like that you are using parts of it. I have some old art that I may do the same with

    1. Thanks, Liz ... can't claim this as an original thought. I saw cutting up old work as a creative block-breaker sometime back. I dare say I have a fair number of old pieces to choose from!


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