Thursday, August 18, 2016

- A patch to match

Patch #231 Match that patch

Can you draw inside a car?
Can you draw near?
Can you draw far?

How about this one instead?
Drawing on a bouncing bed! 

Well, it's not easy,  
But it's fun!

Then you sew 
Another one!

Check that patch 
and never fear ...

Just put that matching
patch right here ...

Can you tell 
that we just read
Dr. Seuss 
then went to bed?


  1. LOL....I tend to let my inner Seuss out when....well whenever I want, to make humor gallant, though what a strange word. Sounds more like a creature, a feature in zoos. Wherein live the great Heffalumps and Polymawhooos!....

  2. memories of Dr. Seuss before bed are good memories.

    1. As we read One Fish, Two Fish G said, "Hey, that rhymes!"

      Poetry 101

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you ... as I make cloth, I wonder who will carry it into the future


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