Sunday, August 28, 2016

- Sometimes you can't go ...

Patch #241 Home

I used to do cross stitch a lot ... exclusively at times. This is the first patch of cross stitch in this project and I'm over it. Lesson learned. 

But the concept of "Home sweet home" felt right since Facebook reminded me of this post from six years ago ...

Hard to believe how much has changed ...

Moving on.

The sun decided to return over the course of last week ...

but it wasn't until today that the excess moisture in the ground dissipated and the air felt less like a wet sponge.

As I made my picture walks for One Hill Country Year (Week 4: I found more flowers each day. And butterflies, but they eluded my attempts at photographing them.

No matter, there was more than enough to fill a week's worth of patches saturated with color ...

which joined up with the previous week's to make one month ...

I think it's becoming a habit.


  1. What a lovely screening and greening you have done with your gardening. It's so great to look back with garden pictures, don't you think. And I can see why you are over X-stitch. Your square above approaches irony, I think.

    1. Looking back motivates what it takes to move forward ... and I shake my head as I consider the gardens of my past compared to the land of my present. Irony abounds.

  2. I really like stitching x's but would be hopeless at making them all exactly the same size!

    1. Ha! It's ironic you should say that as I actually made several errors, but unlike past projects, I let them be rather than ripping back. Another lesson ...


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