Sunday, September 11, 2016

- Remembering 9/11

Patch #255 North Pool

There are those who remember 9/11 every day ...

Our family lost a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, an uncle ... but above all, we lost days, weeks, months, and years with a dear, wise man. A man whose eyes reflected the laughter in his words. A man who always counseled, "Enjoy the ride."

Today the New York Times editorial board wrote a paean to the memorial site, saying in part ...


I have not yet been there, but today I will stitch my own path of remembrance ... we will never forget.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, Liz. What a sadness.

    1. Thank you ... all losses bring great sadness, but it is the grieving made public of Don's aunt and cousins that make this day sadder still.

  2. Dear Liz, I'm so sorry, love to you and yours.

    1. Thank you Hazel ... we, all of us, are bound together in this.

  3. En France, nous n'oublierons jamais cette horrible journée et nous pensons à toutes les familles qui en souffriront toujours. Fraternelle pensée


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